Guest Singer Invitation
Guest Singer Invitation
Each Fall the Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota hosts “A Choral Community,” a concert featuring area community choirs. We are inviting YCCM parents, alumni and area church and community choir members to join us. Below are the details:
Register to join us here!
Concert Details:
Date and Time: Sunday, October 27, 7:00 PM
Location: Little Falls Community High School - Charles Martin Auditorium
Rehearsal: 6:00 PM
Music: I Sing Because I'm Happy arr. by Rol Dilworth
View a reference copy I Sing Because I'm Happy here
Listen to Part Recordings here
Dress Code: All black or black and white
Requirements: Current or previous experience singing a part in a choir (high school, college, community, or church). You are welcome to practice your part using the “Parts Recordings” link above.
Cost: Free!
Tickets: You will receive a free ticket, and be able to enjoy the concert from anywhere in the general admission auditorium. You will be called up at the end to join the choirs who performed for the final number! If family or friends want to come, they can purchase tickets at the door or go to
Registration Deadline: October 25
Join us for this wonderful fall kick-off concert! We would love to have you join a larger community of singers for this one-time event. Feel free to email Garrett Lathe at, or call/text 320-200-4711 with questions.