Donations can be made through PayPal, one of the most helpful, safe and secure ways for you to support your local nonprofits.
Please consider becoming a Sustaining Supporter by clicking the "monthly" button!
Maestoso "majestic" – $1,000 and above*
Sustenuto "supported" – $500 - $999
Legato "tied together" – $100 - $499
Tenuto "to hold for full value" – $1 - $99
*Please email us about Concert and Season Sponsorships for contributions above $1,000
Looking to make a larger impact on YCCM? Visit our Season Support Page
Giving Assistant is a program that donates a percentage of proceeds from your purchases to organizations like the Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota. Click the "SHOP NOW" button to shop at over 1,600+ online retailers!